Traffic management and air quality
Read here the report why the integration of both systems received a no go.
Read here the report why the integration of both systems received a no go.
We just endorsed the European Manifesto for Citizen's Engagement in Smart City development. Will you too?
The incidental measurement of air quality in the surrounding residential places around our airport have started. This because the airfield is closed for 2 weeks due to re-tarmacking the landing strip
A press release from VINCI hq in Paris shows the strength of involving collective intelligence for core issues.
Applied participative learning inspires Turkish students and teachers to co-create and contribute with real value to society.
Here you can download the abstracts of the research presented during ISEE-Europe’s 2nd Early Career Researchers Conference on Environmental Epidemiology
The Marathon of Eindhoven is one big AiREAS experiment for social and technological innovation around core human values (health, breath, mobility)
The challenge to make London into a Sustainocratic healthy city from air quality point of view seems further away than ever.
Breda is the third town in the Netherlands to use the AiREAS air quality measurement equipment and second town (after Eindhoven) to work in the multidisciplinary cocreation format.
Often I am asked by citizen's why at AiREAS we [...]