Airport Eindhoven closed for 2 week in order to re-tarmac the landing strip. This is an ideal opportunity for AiREAS to measure the difference of environmental impact when the airport is operational and when not. Those measurements started today in the field of ultrafinedust (Technological partner Oxility).

Inside the box

The nanotracer measure UFP

The equipment installed in the city of Best

The map that shows the measurement effort related to the airport
The measurements are done to define and support a more definite infrastructure that will monitor air quality in the entire region, similar to the finemaze, near realtime network we have in the city of Eindhoven. Due to the diversity of polluting agents in the broader scope of the region (intensive catle keeping, agricultural issues, airport, traffic, household pollution, etc) we also need to see how different measurement techiques and sensors work together in providing data for full regional air quality and exposure interpretation. The fact that the airport is closed should give us some insight without the influence of civil and military air traffic. We measure UFP, NO2, Ozone, noise, humidity, temperature and relate to wind direction and climate.
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