Great action in Portici (Italy) to reduce car traffic around schools
The car has deeply rooted itself in our lives and [...]
Use of low cost sensors for individual awareness on exposure and more
During the monthly online ECSA sessions someone can present research, [...]
Parkinson and air pollution
Scientific reseacrh shows that we are in some kind of [...]
Brexit is a wake up call to redefine Europe
Brexit calls for reviewing the meaning of Europe and its erroneosly lethal political economic hierarchies.
Applying self aware choice
Our current vulnerability is caused by the lack of choice. This is wrong. We do have a choice. Once made a totally new reality appears and our vulnerability converts into our strength.
Life’s mechanisms apply in Sustainocracy
Evolution of life is based on awareness driven change. Humankind is experiencing such evolutionary step.
How to combine governance with sustainocratic processes?
Sustainocracy expands as level 4 regional development because it combines government files with core value priorities.