During DDW2017 (Dutch Design Week 2017) in Eindhoven we had the opportunity to open the doors of our food resilience initiative, referred to as the FRE2SH cooperative (Food, Recreation, Energy, Education, Sustainocracy, Health).

Over 4500 visitors came to see the FRE2SH ecosystem in which various businesses connect to share food responsibilities in town. Such partners are forming a community relationship between city food production, consumption and food processing activities.

Currently FRE2SH provides different types of herbs, lettuce, flowers, mealworms, oyster mushrooms, water Kefir, trout…

Some of these products are processed into salades, soups, brownies, hamburgers, etc.

There is a zero waste policy in which solutions are designed to reuse all nutrients in the chain. Also residues like plastic, coffee, etc are reused. Transportation is done on foot or by bicycle to avoid air pollution.