On December 10th we celebrated our annual member’s encounter of AiREAS. The day was split into three parts:

Large lines encounter:

The morning session was dedicated to the large lines that are drawn towards the future. Organically new initiatives are being proposed according to the way of working of AiREAS within the field of cocreating a healthy city. This meeting is meant to discuss together in multidisciplinary context where we put our priorities for the coming years.

Twelve issues were raised and discussed. Present were members of local regional government (province and two cities), scientists, innovative entrepreneurs and civilians. We picked some examples:

Issue 1: Large button team . With the amount of datastreams under review for healthy city interpretation, persuasive communication and integration services with dynamic infrastructures we get together in a small team to evaluate the quality of our teamwork. This is established at three levels:

  1. The quality of the data we use for our processes
  2. The quality of our data processing and intellectual interpretation
  3. The quality of our communication with our surroundings (user interfaces, integrated services, etc)

This issue is not for decision making as it is part of our quality sensitivity as a team. We just need to position it in our processes.

Issue 7: Healthy airport

The innovative complexity of co-creating a healthy airport has been drawn up in a roadmap that resembles a fish spine.

All necessary attention programs to create a healthy airport Eindhoven

All necessary attention programs to create a healthy airport Eindhoven

Each of the spines needs sustainocratic attention to produce unique innovations. We decided to address the issue of many participants by establishing workshops first in which both the purpose and multidisciplinary cocreation is practiced. For each workshop and timeline we need “sustainocrats” to chair the cocreation. A new training for this responsibility has been defined.

Issue 12: Erasmus+ student exchange program with Turkey

Students fromTurkey get inspired

Students fromTurkey get inspired

These are just a few of the 12 initiatives discussed.

DAMAST encounter

The afternoon was reserved for the multidisciplinary project called DAMAST (Development of an Automatic system for Mapping Air quality risks in Space and Time) of University of Twente.

Four areas of attention were cocreated

Four areas of attention were cocreated

General meeting AiREAS

The evening was reserved for the annual general meeting that looks back at the achievements of the year.

AiREAS received the European VINCI Innovation Award

AiREAS received the European VINCI Innovation Award

We publish our first phase accomplishment world wide this month

We publish our first phase accomplishment world wide this month

An we celebrated with a diner made of local products. The restaurant manager participated to respond to the quality demands:

Rudy, what have you cooked for us?

Rudy, what have you cooked for us?

Reasons enough to celebrate

Reasons enough to celebrate