In five blogs I described the intense process of arriving at the establishment of AiREAS and Local AiREAS Eindhoven. This blog item summarizes the blogs for easy reference. It is history now and a precedent. The entire transformative process of AiREAS has been captured and structured for educational purposes within the STIR Academy, also initiated by the STIR Foundation:
Blog 1: How it started
From an education point of view this phase is interesting because a link can be made with the “why?”. Why is this a next step in human evolution? Why can a single person influence the entire system? The intense learning process initiated by the founder evolved into views about the cyclic complexity of life itself, relating it all to the way human beings interact among themselves and their surroundings in structures and instruments of change. Links were made with Kondratiev economic cycles, the Indian cycle of life, the U theory and evolution of the conscience through spirituality, ethics and economics. The experiences and education influences the future of politics, business, economics, society, anthropology, ethics, etc
Blog 2: From global to local
The enormous complexity of climate change, global pollution, poverty and war development causing massive migrations, etc are all so called “global issues” that cannot be solved through consequence driven reactions. The AiREAS process towards local responsibility with the creation of Local AiREAS Eindhoven shows how a global issue is responded by creating local solutions. The value driven “local solution” creates all kinds of valuables that can be expanded worldwide through the tradition of transaction economy or the establishment of other local co-creation based on cultural and demographic differences that conduct to totally different response to the issue.
The “global issue, local solution, global application” approach of Sustainocracy has the potential to become a problem solving technique that will both stimulates local economic development and overcomes the massive issues that create crisis, unbalance and humanitarian or natural catastrophes around the world.
Blog 3: Local co-creation
The multidisciplinary venturing around sustainable human progress visualized the STIR loop, the complexity of change when a particular system is dominant from a legal and practical point of view, and the willingness of people to respond to change personally, challenging their professional position and authority to participate in change rather than blocking it. The appearance of such responsive personal leadership is predictable under the particular circumstances that are reflected in the model of human complexities.
Blog 4: From individual to group leadership
This process shows the individual invitation and commitment to change that is seconded by a mix of conservative and progressive forces that each have to bridge their personal chaos to arrive at the point of co-creation through awareness. Fear feeds the management forces to sustain old positions and status quo while the leadership force insists on letting go fear and embrace change for a new potential harmony. The breakthrough is not organizational but first intense human on emotional and spiritual level. After that it can be rationalized again into a new complexity.
Blog 5: The final commitment
The new complexity has materialized and a new multidisciplinary harmony shows during the formal announcement. The first step of the STIR loop is complete: global issue -> local solution. The fragmented specializations joined together to tackle a complex issue of holistic nature. A new societal reference was born, a precedent, a learning process and a peaceful start of a new cycle. The true physical values needed to be materialized still be the moral backing was already in place. The second half of the cycle could now start.