An integral healthy and sustainable city or region cannot be delegated. It is a shared responsibility.
You may need your own AiREAS to develop it.

Uniting Communities for Sustainable Health and Development.
AiREAS represents a joint commitment to regional health with the involvement of all local societal stakeholders: government, citizens, business, education and science. The AiREAS commitment is brought together in a project driven cooperative that has no personnel or means of its own, only committed partners. The central convergence is managed by the local representation of the STIR foundation, a non profit research foundation developing sustainable human development through the definition of five essential natural human values,

Sustainocracy Explained
AiREAS represents a prioritized subset of the five essential human values listed in Sustainocracy: sustainable human evolution in a real time democracy (shared responsibility). With Sustainocracy we introduce an overarching and unified level of existential ethics into society developed to safeguard, protect and develop our sustainable existence as a natural human species within a finite natural environment.
How it works?
Dot-Step Process
At the multidisciplinary AiREAS table of shared commitment for regional health we apply the so called Dot-Step approach. The Dot is the common objective of health and an healthy, unpolluted environment. Together a Step is defined that is smart (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time managed). Such an AiREAS Step is always seen from a UNITED perspective meaning that none of the partners can do the step effectively alone. All are needed, each from their own unique level of contribution:
Government: policy, infrastructure, public finance
Business: product and service innovations
Citizens: cultural and behavioral adjustments
Science: applied knowledge
Education: incorporating human values & shared responsibilities
At the AiREAS table each partner represents itself and one’s own commitment without judgment about the others, influencing each other with initiatives and open invitation to help and support.

Making visible the invisible
One of the ongoing projects of the AiREAS community is to “make visible the invisible”. This starts with the real time visualization of air pollution. With this we also visualize the impact of our polluting behavior, that of industries, agriculture and transport services. When things become visible, not only through illnesses but in a proactive manner, we can take corrective measures ourselves and together.
We use citizen science, our own complementary measurement networks, satellite data and combine this with other data sources such as disease development, weather, traffic, etc.
Real-Time Measurements

AiREAS citizen participation

How AiREAS started

Health cities are smart